/lights blue touch paper

Just enough money in Quanta to go out with a big bang and not a slightly 
pathetic phut!

How about, invite all the Quanta members to a last hurrah, a weekend of 
celebrating the QL reaching 30, an achievement in itself seeing as it died a 
death twenty seven years ago at retail.   Enjoy your show, celebrate the QL's 
30th because as I see it, fast forward a few short years and the pot will 
naturally be almost empty and that'll be that, lights out. 

So, £3000 should cover the basics for the party. 

What's left in the pot, throw it at that last QL 'pacemaker', one which draws 
in interest from outside, a QL on a board, retrofitted into a QL case, able to 
run at QL speed, GC speed, SGC speed up to super speeds, use Kickstarter or 
whatever to raise cash. Just do it, what have you got to loose, well, apart 
from a slow lingering death for the QL that is.

Anyhow, clearly you shouldn't make me treasurer !!




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