A very positive reply, Geoff, thanks.

When I mentioned the cost, BTW, I was thinking in terms of fearing a higher cost event than this, hence why I might have sounded a little negative. Certainly, costs of the order you mention could be OK, as long as it became a well organised event.

The cost to Quanta of the Computer Museum might not be as high as we fear if I have understood Rich's ideas properly. I think he was talking in terms of a general event including ZX81 and Spectrum, financed by ticket sales (free to members?) , with the QL being a little village inside the event and room for the AGM if the event happens around next April. Rich will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure.

I don't mind too much if the AGM takes place as a small event in Manchester and a second"QL is 30" later in the year.

I was also heartened by Peter Graf's email where he suggests there is "a good chance"of the QL-SD card becoming reality this time, as "Someone is seriously looking into building it now"

Wouldn't it be a nice new year if somehow we got both a QL-SD card and a "QL is 30" event!!!


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