On 2013-10-21 20:34, Richard Mellor t/as RWAP Services wrote:
On Mon, October 21, 2013 7:46 pm, jms1 wrote:

We live in the digital age and we are digital people. Cannot we use
computers to solve the problem?

After all should be possible to conduct an agm by email!!!!!

All it requires is a flexible approach and careful rules so it is seem
to be fair. OH and a change in the constitution to allow it.

Geoff Wicks and I spent some considerable time in 2011 updating the Quanta constitution to make it more modern, and indeed, committee meetings and AGMs can now be conducted by telephone and via Skype. Committee meetings
can also be conducted by email, but that is more difficult for an AGM
where feedback is required on each issue during the meeting.

The new constitution was adopted in 2012

I attended the AGM by Skype this year as I was unable to attend.


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Pleased to hear it.

It appears that you can conduct an agm by video conferencing
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