On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 21:16:08 +0100, Peter Graf wrote:

> > Strange... I'd have expected that the problem was the video memory,
> > but 800x600 pixels consume less memory than 1024x512 pixels...
> Yes it is strange. Has to do withe the fact that neither 800 nor 600 are
> powers of two and the CPLDs are manually optimized to the last gate.

No chance to get a "larger" (i.e. with more gates) CPLD that would fit
the same socket ?... Or perhaps by using a modern and larger (in both
size and number of gates) CPLD that would piggy-back on the old CPLD
socket via a small adpater printed circuit ?...
A native 800x600 resolution would be a definitive (and probably the
best) solution to the problem, so I think it would be worth investigating
some more its feasability...

> .../...
> I can display it without scaling here also, but it looks crazy with only
> about a quarter of the screen area covered.

True, but better than a blank screen... :-P

> .../...
> > Well, depending on how many are "a few", this could be done with
> > manual wiring...
> If I remember correctly, it was 6 wires.

That's definitely not a problem then: I've seen (and did) hardware mods
with more "flying" wires than this...
However, another issue with this solution could be the lack of room to
piggy-back a daughter board on the EPROM slots, especially with the 2
ISA slots occupied and a heat-sink+fan on the 68060...

> .../...
> He owns a multisync *flatscreen*. Built into a self designed case.
> Remarkable.

I'm jealous now... :-D

> .../...
> > It would be another machine... Not sure you'd find a "market" for it.
> I guess not, but I'm not looking for a market anyway. The fewer people
> want it, the less work I have. The two things that still motivate me, is
> to have fun and to keep the QL alive.
> So the best thing will probably be to concentrate on the Q68. This cute
> piece of hardware is in working condition for more than 8 years now,
> only struggling with "soft" issues and my notorious lack of time.

Any picture/spec sheet ?


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