At 12:39 ìì 31/1/2001, you wrote:
>Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> > To get a PC only for SMSQ/E...well to put it nicely it doesn't make any 
> sense!
> > My Athlon (750 MHz, GeForce 2 - 64Mb DDR, 256 Megs RAM) PC is still a long
> > way until it works like a Q40. And cost-wise? My computer system exceeds
> > 3000$ (around 3000-some Euros).
>Wow, PC equipment seems to be rather expensive where you live. For all
>this money I can get you at least 3 PCs with the mentioned equipment
>here and there'd be still some bucks left.

Well yeah... indeed in the US PCs are more expensive than in Europe, but 
you're forgetting that a PC is not only a case and a motherboard. It's 
memory, it is hard drives, CD/DVD/CDR/W, it's sound cards,  it's monitors 
and it is SOFTWARE.
With a Q40 solution you are off to work right off the box and your 
specialized software needs are minimal or the software is free anyways!
Only Windows cost me 249$! (And I know Windows ME in Europe costs EXACTLY 
the same as in the US for the Full version... now for the 3 PCs you said 
above that's 750 $ right away!)
My total software cost so far exceeds 2000 US$!
Not to mention the other programs. Do they cost as much on a QL.? Of course 
(Unless you say that programs shouldn't be bought.... well that's another 
story.). However you look at it the combination is still cheaper with a 
Q40. A LOT cheaper for comparable performance.
In the overall cost of a PC, QPC is just bread crumbs, true, but what about 
the QL?
And between us, if a software developer like say "Just Words" finds out 
that most of his programs are sold for QPC equipped PCs why shouldn't he do 
the sensible thing and transfer those to a PC natively as they would run 
faster anyways.... and he could reach a bigger audience? Overall the QL 
scene would be doomed in the long run if hardware solutions (And I'm not 
only talking about Peter Graf but also Zeljiko Nastasic and his designs) 
are not supported by the user base and the traders. And more over, more 
users of native QL hardware means cheaper prices!


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