At 01:47 ðì 31/1/2001, But anyway, I am NOT suggesting that buying a PC 
just for QPC is a
>>better solution than buying a Q40 or anything (or did I write that
>>anywhere? I don't think so). At

No you didn't but others did ;-)

>>  least not if you don't use the other
>>features a PC can which a Q40 can't.

The Q40 can't because for several reasons it is not supported by the 
community when it should. There are limits a man (Peter) can do in his own 
time :-)
And don't forget, Q40 may not support several things but neither does QPC 
and its not either's fault. Both have their limitations and its SMSQ/E's 
fault.The ancient file system and the FS commands that need a secretary to 
be typed (!) could and should be permanently eliminated is one of them. Or 
the scheduler that when it comes to I/O it goes back to the stone age 
(supervisor mode) and works like a Spectrum ;-). And as for the HIT and 
DO.... well Ox and Plough are more user friendly but that's ok ;-) hehe
Now imagine the possibility of employing your intimate knowledge of SMSQ/E 
in Q40. I believe that you could work miracles there. Sure the DOS device 
is nice in QPC but I do believe that given the time and devotion you shown 
in your work with QPC, if you applied your knowledge of SMSQ/E on Q40 you 
could do the difference. If you deny that.... hehe I say you're just modest :-)

>>I just considered your
>>calculation to be quite weird, because you really can get 3 PCs for
>>the mentioned price here.
>Yes but with what kinds of hard drives? 10 Gigs? or 40 that I had to buy 
>in order to fit software that when it exists (or if it existed on the QL) 
>it is at least 100 times larger in terms of space. Not to mention a lot slower.

Doh you know what I mean. I meant software on the QL is smaller :-)

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