Phoebus Dokos wrote: 
> Correct but then again, buying a PC doesn't mean you get a name brand (with
> bundled softare you are right).
> Many people (including myself) want to buy things that will accomodate 
> their needs.

Me too. But most people buy complete systems.

>>But as with SMSQ/E,
>>which is, as far as I know, also included in the Q40 price, software
>>tends to be cheaper when bundled with hardware.
> Q40 includes SMSQ/E optionally. Standard Q40s have QDOS Classic.

I see. But the additional cost is still much less than that of a

>>You can get almost everything you need for free.
> Interesting, but tell me.. Find me a program on Windows that even comes 
> CLOSE to Photoshop or Corel Draw and I will get it in a heart beat...

Sure, if you tell me where to get the equivalent for the QL world (no,
QDesign doesn't count ;-). I thought we're talking about the same

>>But anyway, I am NOT suggesting that buying a PC just for QPC is a
>>better solution than buying a Q40 or anything (or did I write that
>>anywhere? I don't think so). At least not if you don't use the other
>>features a PC can which a Q40 can't. I just considered your
>>calculation to be quite weird, because you really can get 3 PCs for
>>the mentioned price here.

Only quality components, of course. Otherwise I think one could get 4.

> Yes but with what kinds of hard drives? 10 Gigs?

I had something in the region of a IBM DTLA307030 in my mind. 30GB,
7200 rpm, UMDA100. Nice drive, just bought one recently.

>>I say you can't compare them. Harldy in performance but even less in
> Oh but you can.

Really? With a Q40 you get a QL system but with a QPC+PC combination
you also get a complete PC. So you can only compare the facts under
certain assumptions, like "I use the PC only for QPC". There the Q40
probably wins. But e.g. one advantage always mentioned for the Q40 was
that it can run Linux. The mentioned PC runs Linux with 100 times (or
whatever) the speed. Now the comparison looks completely differently.
See? All lies in your point of view, it just depends on the things you
actually DO. You mentioned Photoshop. How did you get that to run on
the Q40? Not at all I suppose. If you need that software, a Q40
probably wouldn't be the best choice, regardless of its price.

To make this (again) clear, *I* certainly don't want QPC to be the
only QL platform available, it's GOOD that the Q40 exists (in fact I
was there when it was presented for the first time in Eindhoven and I
was one of the people suggesting to talk to Tony about a SMSQ/E port).


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