On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 at 10:22:39, Wolfgang Lenerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(Ref: <3AA60BEF.9244.5192BE@localhost>)

>On 6 Mar 2001, at 21:31, Bill Waugh wrote:
>> Hope this doesn't sound like "my drifts are bigger than yours" 
> No, but let's keep it at that (you get my drift....?)
>> 4. Why don't they vaccinate
>> fact - it is a LIVE vaccine
>> fact - some animals vaccinated would become carriers
>> fact - susceptible wild animals that weren't vaccinated would become
>> infected
>> fact - the vaccine covers one strain only just like a flu vaccine.
>And, when testing, you no longer can distiguish between animals 
>that caught the disease, and those that have been vaccinated.
Ah yes - that is exactly what I was trying to say in my last msg.
You said it more clearly (8-)#

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