On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 11:37:44AM +0200, Arnould Nazarian wrote:

> : As CSS1/CSS2/XSL are unlikely to be
> : implemented, does this effect your decision?
> I don't even know what this is

cascaded style sheets? Just a guess.

> : Independent of the cost
> : question, how do you feel about open source?
> To me there are for and againt arguments.
> For: it is the reaction to a world that evolved to monopoly

more than that, industry doesn't trust the security of a system without
auditing it and auditing without sources is a bit difficult.

> Against: it can become a mess, not better than the production of the
> mentioned monopoly + there should be an incentive other than glory for good
> software authors

Open Source does not necessarilly mean GNU license, he can give the source
away with the same restrictive terms he would give away the binary if he 
wants to. Of course not many people are really delighted seeing the way
Microsoft goes "OpenSource".

It would be very usefull for the QL if all software that hasn't been
updated for some time would automatically go OpenSource/GNU.


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