Per has written -

100 x=1e308
110 i=0
120 rep
130 i=i+1:print i
140 x=x+x::rem Should overflow immediately
150 endrep

This will first print 1, then stop with an overflow error on line 130
in round two! If you then try to print x..*

Can someone confirm that this is not just a local phenomenon, please.

* Bang!

Running the program 3 times in succession gave these  identical results:

Prints '1' and stops - without any message or other 'odd' behaviour.
When I came out from under the desk (Print x) I got '2E308' and no bang at

My system is -

    QPC-2  :  v  1.51
    SMSQ/E:  v  2a91
    sBASIC  :  v  HBA

Hope this helps,

John in Wales

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