At 06:51 đě 3/10/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Claude Mourier 00 wrote:
> >
> > Why not replace Java by SBasic (for QL/SMS user only, of course) ?
> >
> > De : Tarquin Mills [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >   At the show I was asked about the development of my web browser, I have
> > converted the parser in C. At the moment I am changing my development
> > environment to one in which I can develop GUI based software. I am unable
> > to use Prowess as it is seems to be GPL, rather than (LGPL etc.), so this
> > option was ruled out, and so the program will be Wman based.
> >   At the show I expressed some of the problems of creating a JVM i.e.
> > Sun not wanting anything but a 100% compatible JVM or it should not be
> > released. I have spent the week looking into the feasibility of creating
> > a JVM, and feel it is not feasible. A man doing a RISC OS JVM has
> > written over 16000 lines of code and is only 95% of the way there (his
> > product is not released yet). I feel my time would be better spent
> > concentrating on the browser, rather than one feature of it. Also M$ are
> > no longer going to give a JVM away with IE. I may however include a
> > simpler virtual machine in the HB package.
>I believe the issue is the support for the existing web content
>(whithout a JVM, all the Java powered content will be out of reach or,
>at least, crippled). But, to me, your suggestion makes a lot of sense
>when we consider a server-side script language: of course, that would
>mean that a QL WebServer was on the way.

SB being a Server Side Script language is feasible now with UN*X systems 
running uQLx.... And a QL specific web server is relatively easy to 
implement once the TCP/IP stack is stable and complete. Xitami for example 
( is an ideal candidate for that reason...


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