In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tarquin Mills

>>>   At the show I was asked about the development of my web browser, I have
>>> converted the parser in C. At the moment I am changing my development 
>>> environment to one in which I can develop GUI based software. I am unable
>>> to use Prowess as it is seems to be GPL, rather than (LGPL etc.), so this
>>> option was ruled out, and so the program will be Wman based.  
>>How will you handle variable fonts? 
>The options I can see are:
>1. Csize. 

I never liked this option, myself, as it merely 'enlarges' a bit map.

With today's 'hi-res' screens probably not worth it, as people have high

>2. use different colours (like lynx). 

Use the basic QL 4 colours for a minimum 'classic' look, yet allow for
'hi-res' colour range at users discretion.

>3. do nothing and wait for Wman to change, or the Prowess licence to change. 
>4. use Prowess (i.e. use a second hand commercial version).

ProWesS is now available for free, you only need to acknowledge the

>5. Write my own font software.

Better not to ... 'standards' and all that.

Malcolm Cadman

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