At 02:05 μμ 3/10/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>On 10/3/01 at 12:36 PM Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> > SB being a Server Side Script language is feasible now with UN*X
> > systems running uQLx.... And a QL specific web server is relatively
> > easy to implement once the TCP/IP stack is stable and complete.
> > Xitami for example ( is an ideal candidate for that
> > reason...
>There is absolutely no reason why SBasic couldn't be used as a SSSL. All it
>would need is some sort of CGI (or whatever) interface implemented in the
>web server.
>As for Xitami, I have been using it for over a year now and although it is
>simple and relatively powerfull, it also has, at least on the PC some odd
>problems. For instance, sending the wrong files (for instance, it's
>supposed to give you file xxx.gif, it sends yyy.gif - every time,
>consistently, but even the log says it's sending xxx.gif), acting as a
>memory leak, suddenly crashing when attempts to resume transfer are
>detected, having problems with ftp transfers, etc. It would need a lot of
>work to get it right. As a matter of fact, I would greatly apreciate if
>someone could tell me about a small, simple and _reliable_ web server to
>work under W98... (I know, I know, off topic...)

Actually it's not Xitami's fault. I suspect you are using the NT version 
which tends to have such behaviour under Win9x. There is a SPECIFIC version 
for Win 9x... Identical filename and filesize with the NT/2000 version but 
totally different. The linux version is even smaller :-) (Of course ;-)

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