On  Mon, 31 Dec 2001 at 15:45:58,  Dexter wrote:

>Did anyone else increase their microdrive capacities by machining down
>their capstan pins? I did this at work with some wet'n'dry at took about
>0.002" off the diameter of the pin. This increased the capacity from 107
>(sectors/k/can't remember) to 125 or so, even if the cartridges only
>could be read/written in that specific microdrive unit.
Arghhh.  The whole trouble with QL microdrives is that they increased
the capacity from 80k to 100k nominal, and in doing that made them very
unreliable.  Smaller capstans == more unreliability..... and
incompatibility too.
>This is really bringing memories back - it's very therapeutic ;)
Glad it helps (8-)#

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