Hi again :o)

I think it would be really useful to get QLs connected to networks more
easily. Therefore, I've commenced the following project: EtherQL. I know
nasta has a similar project in late planning stage, but I think Goldfire
is a higher priority, and anything taking his mind off Goldfire is

This will be a QL-hardware compatible etherenet interface, and will be
supplied with some software and drivers to give basic functionality. The
hardware would probably be a short through card, or could optionally
include some buffering and a could of extension riser slots. I'm hoping to
keep the cost as low as possible. It will definitely support 10 mbits, but
may not be able to support 100 mbits because the basic QL just isn't fast

I hope to be able to write some proof-of-concept software to give away
with it:

Email client: something like pine under linux - basic but functional.
Telnet client: I need one.
Web browser: This would be VERY simple. Text only, and tab through the
links, like lynx under linux.
Web server: Something that can listen on port 80 and copy out the
requested file.

I'd certainly be appreciative for any help with the software.

Also, I'm starting this project with no QL hardware, though I received
many offers of hardware when I first posted here. I would now like to take
up one or two of those offers. If anyone has a working QL, possibly some
extra memory and tk2, I would be very interested in hearing from them. It
may be asking too much to get a floppy disk interface, but we'll see! I
would be happy to pay reasonable prices and shipping.

If anyone has any helpful software (a compiler, for example!) I would be
looking for that too.

Also, I have an old CGA/VGA monitor set aside. If anyone can remind me how
to hook up a QL to this, I would be very grateful :o)

Thanks in advance for any help any of you can offer. :o)


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