On 5 Nov 2002, at 16:59, Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος wrote:

> I never said that THAT was promised, I said that THESE features would
> qualify as a completely new product :-) Features like background I/O
> were promised at one point or another :-)

By whom?

> That's why I asked :-) 10 Euros isn't a great fee, that's true... I
> was just challenging the principle of it...
Right, so let's put the amount aside for a moment and talk about
the principle of it.

Let's presume you have a Q60. You ask D&D to supply you a new
version of SMSQ/E (on ROM or disk, doesn't matter). Under the
licence, D&D is NOT obliged to charge for it.

Now you buy a second Q60. You get a new copy of SMSQ/E and
you MUST pay for it. You object to that because you already have
a copy of SMSQ/E and should not pay for the ne one? Alright, then
you surely also expect to get the second Q60 for free, after all you
already have one.

Let's also assume, for the sake of argument that smsq/e for QPC
& Q60 were totally the same, and that you already had a Q60.
When yu but QPC you get a new version of SMSQ/E and pay for it.

> Again, that doesn't mean
> that I will try to avoid paying the amount... But I do have every
> right to disagree with it.
You have the right to disagree with everything, but I think that your
position would not be the correct one.
  • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Bill Waugh
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... P Witte
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Bill Waugh
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... dndsystems1
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... dndsystems1
  • ... wlenerz

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