In article <3DCCFDB2.73.6C3BD0@localhost>, Wolfgang Lenerz
>On 8 Nov 2002, at 22:21, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> There seems to be some confusion around SMSQ/E's 'core' and its
>> 'flavours'.
>> It seems to me that Wolfgang has taken on the onerous task of
>> maintaining the integrity of SMSQ/E so that it remains consistent and
>> coherent, and that all users - irrespective of platform - get access to
>> all the 'new' features.
>Yipee yey!
>Somebody understand what I'm trying to do.

Thanks for the accolade ... I just thought it needed to be stated.

If you can get an article together for QL Today I would be happy to look
it over and help out.

Malcolm Cadman
  • ... John Sadler
    • ... Peter Graf
    • ... Richard Zidlicky
    • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
      • ... Dave P
        • ... ZN
        • ... Roy Wood
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
            • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
              • ... Malcolm Cadman
        • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
    • ... Phoebus Dokos
    • ... Phoebus Dokos

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