On  Thu, 6 Feb 2003 at 11:05:50, Jerome Grimbert wrote:

>Norman Dunbar makes some magical things to make me read
>} The Epson Stylus 800 was indeed a Parallel printer - I had one. I think, but
>} I'm not sure, that there was a serial interface available for it.
>Jumping the technology back to the early age of QL, we had a serial to parallel
>converter then for your black hero!
No need to go back that far.
I can still make them.
I miniatured Miracle's original good design (based on 555 timers) and
put all the circuitry inside a Centronics plug housing.

There are two designs - one for Z88 and one for QL.

>But classical serial speed is really slow for the amount of colour
>printing data
>of today (especially with the top 2880x2880 or 5760x1440/720 dpi).
>Laser printer with postscript are easier to feed (especially when they
>have their own founts), alas they are so expensive and the colour is
>rare for laser.
.... and it relies on a fully working QL serial port at 9600.
The port can seem to work OK, but often handshaking is dodgy.
This will show up instantly when printing through the converter - it
relies totally on the handshaking working.

I even toyed with the idea of upping the spec to 19200, but have never
got around to it.

         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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