Roy wood wrote:-

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gwicks
>Interesting. Can someone explain why it is that whenever there is a crisis
>in the QL community everyone goes into nostalgia mode?
>>I think it is because they all want to recall the good/funny things to
>>give you an incentive to stay on and enjoy.

Thats exactly what we're doing. It worked for me when I was deciding what
to do with Q-Celt after Dylan was born. I just couldn't stop being a trader
- imagine the stuff I'd be missing!!

>I would be more impressed if more people were looking forwards than
>backwards. After all, as Per wrote about my "ill chosen" timing,
>"....despite all problems, so much is going on just now".
>>An even bigger incentive I would say.

Very true. Email and internet access, full Colour pointer environment,

Worth being here for if you ask  me.


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