On 22 Oct 2003, at 21:52, Duncan Neithercut wrote:

> I dont suppose it was intentional and its not Wolfgang's licence but its TTs
> SMSQ/E licence, but if you are interested I was sufficiently interested to
> test it on my Aurora setup. Aurora, Supergoldcard 2.49 & Qubide 2.01. After
> approx 1.5hrs initial conclusion is that it works OK in mode 4 including
> window move but crashes immediately on boot if the initial colour depth is
> set to 256 instead of QL. Once in QL colour it cant be set into mode 16 or
> 256 colour that the Aurora supports.
> Hope that helps
Yes it does, thanks.

The version I distribute fdoes not have the high colour drivers in 
them, so it is not surprising that you can't use them.
I should, though, take the corresponding config item out, of course.


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