>By the way  have been trying to get QCoCo to work on the Q40 and it 
>fails with the message :

>LINE 980 SP_GET value out of range

>If I continue I get the program but the left hand part of the screen and 
>some of the components of the menus are missing. If I give it a theme to 
>start with it is better but the display is still not right. Any ideas?

I dont think its your Q40. It runs on mine & also on my Q60. SMSQ/E 3.03
Could there be a clash of keywords?
Duncan Neithercut

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 08 March 2004 20:41
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Re:Easymenu

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang Uhlig 
>Also: I was not aware of the fact that Easymenu is still 'sold'. I 
>thought the
>sources to have been free for a longer time now. How, Roy and/ Marcel, 
>am I
>supposed to react if someone wants to have the "new" Easymenu?
Jochen and I have been selling EasyPtr since Albin 'gave' it to us. As 
far as I know it remains a copyright commercial program. At least I have 
never been told anything different.

If Marcel is updating bits of this and, given his email to this list it 
seems that may be on hold a bit, it will be up to him to say what should 
be charged for an  upgrade. I would say that
a) Since the code is unfinished and has bugs I would not give it to 
anyone who was not actively working with Marcel as a beta tester.
b) Unless Albin has declared it to be a free program it should only be 
available from Jochen or Q Branch.

I know that you acted in good faith and there is no censure involved 

By the way  have been trying to get QCoCo to work on the Q40 and it 
fails with the message :

LINE 980 SP_GET value out of range

If I continue I get the program but the left hand part of the screen and 
some of the components of the menus are missing. If I give it a theme to 
start with it is better but the display is still not right. Any ideas?
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030    fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501
web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

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