Sam writes:
 > Russell Nelson writes:
 > > the mail would all double-bounce.  However, the whole point behind
 > > this program is for a spammer to use the information provided by
 > > rcpt-to to *avoid* having to send mail to every word in their
 > > dictionary.  Since qmail doesn't provide any information, the first
 > > qmail site a spammer picks on will suck down all of their emailing
 > > capability, and they won't be successful in spamming, to the extent
 > > that spamming achieves any success.
 > I am not particularly concerned with how succesfull the spammer's spam run
 > is.  Frankly, I really don't care.  My own concerns and priorities take
 > precedence.

I don't care either.  However, the spammer will.  And them pursing
their own interests will ensure that qmail sites will not suffer.

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