[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Nelson) wrote:
> Paul Gregg writes:
>  > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>  > > Since I started this thread I can tell you without question what it's about
>  > > and [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't any part of it.  I want to reject mail being 
>  > > sent to certain valid usernames, such as my database. I'd also like to bounce
>  > > some mail to nonvalid usernames without accepting and bouncing afterward since
>  > > they only double bounce anyway.   
>  > 
>  > To do this, then it requires qmail-smtpd to know everything that qmail-send
>  > does.

> Nonsense.  qmail-send needs to know what recipients it will accept.
> qmail-smtpd needs to know what recipients it will reject.  The two are 
> disjoint but not covering sets.

Usually I would believe much of what you say Russell, but in this case to
do this qmail-smtpd needs to know what it will accept, which is basically
what I was saying.

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