On 04-Jan-99 01:39:33, Paul Gregg wrote something about "Re: qmail II request". I just 
couldn't help replying to it, thus:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

>> Since I started this thread I can tell you without question what it's about
>> and [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't any part of it.  I want to reject mail being 
>> sent to certain valid usernames, such as my database. I'd also like to
>> bounce some mail to nonvalid usernames without accepting and bouncing
>> afterward since they only double bounce anyway.   

> To do this, then it requires qmail-smtpd to know everything that qmail-send
> does.

   Not at all. Try rereading the message that started this thread. The same
mechanism that works for control/badmailfrom will do the trick.

> If you are in control of the local delivery then you already can control
> who sends mail to your database.  Why can't you use procmail?

   No good. Then you have already accepted the message, and the point was to
reject it.


| Rask Ingemann Lambertsen     | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Registered Phase5 developer  | WWW: http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c948374/   |
| A4000, 775 kkeys/s (RC5-64)  | "ThrustMe" on XPilot and EFnet IRC      |
|    If you had an off switch, Doctor, would you not keep it secret?     |

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