Ok, but my concern is with big attachments/traffic and in the failure notice
the attachment doesn't return like attachment, it's part of the body of the
message, so the user is unable to re-send correctly to the right address.

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Segunda-feira, 30 de Agosto de 1999 15:33
Subject: Re: How to truncate the mailer-daemo failure notice?

>Ari Arantes Filho writes:
> > When I send a message with an attachment with 3mb for an invalid user,
> > hole message backs to the sender, notifying him that:
> > Is it possible the put just the header of the message or just a few
>Sure it's possible.  Anything is possible -- that's why we have
>computers.  The question is whether it's desirable.  Basically, if you
>don't bounce the whole email back to the user, how are they to re-send
>it to the right address?  An MTA can't count on them having kept a
>-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
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