D. J. Bernstein writes:
 > Say you have a bunch of mboxes. You choose filenames for them. Of
 > course, some filenames are prohibited:
 >    * You can't use the name .., because that's a directory.
 >    * You can't use the name /Mail, because you don't have permission.
 >    * You can't use the name Mailbox/2, because Mailbox is a file.
 > But the complete list of restrictions is reasonably simple, and people
 > don't seem to have much trouble dealing with a few special characters.
 > Now change each mbox to a maildir. Whatever filenames worked with mbox
 > will continue to work with maildir. You now have a bunch of maildirs.
 > What exactly is the problem?

IMAP permits the name Mailbox/2.  Feel free to argue that that's
stupid.  It's just a drop in the bucket of stupidity which is IMAP.
Did I say stupidity?  I mean another word beginning with s.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
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