On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:58:19 -0500, Chris Garrigues wrote:

>Very valid point, but in designing an email system, which is more 
>important: implementation efficiency or user intuition and flexibility?

I was, based on your post, following up on Russell's comment on file
system design.

IMHO, Sam's scheme makes most sense. The obvious way to a Maildir is
the .qmail file. With his scheme, there is no name collision and no
extra config/index file is necessary since all info is within the
Maildir pointed to by .qmail. The alternative would require a index or
an outer container that houses the base Maildir. The latter is not
consistent with the most common ~/Maildir/. As there is no standard,
Sam will create the de-facto standard with sqwebmail and his IMAPd

-Sincerely, Fred
Fred Lindberg, Inf. Dis., WashU, St. Louis, MO, USA

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