Pavel Kankovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Indeed. But are there any EXTRA lookups done? ("Extra" is the keyword
> original DDB's text again.)
>The answer is: NO unless the implementation is incredibly stupid.

Like sendmail? :-) Sendmail is notorious for unnecessary DNS lookups.

>> I think Postfix just sorts by FQDN, so it doesn't have to do 10,000
>> DNS lookups before it starts delivering. But by doing that, it
>> potentially misses a lot of combining for different FQDN's with the
>> same MX.
>"A lot" being a speculation or based on real-world data? <evil grin>

I don't need real-world data to know that there are lots of MX's that
serve multiple FQDN's. And I did say "potentially".


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