> Bob Rogers (Tue 09.0500-11:04):

> Hmm.  On my Red Hat 6.0 system, "man sendmail" (for the sendmail 8.9.3
> version originally installed) explains "-B" as follows:
>      -Btype      Set the body type to type. Current legal values [are]
>                7BIT or 8BITMIME.

mine too.  my mistake.

> And my local /var/qmail/bin/sendmail (qmail 1.03) does ignore -B:

yes.  didn't check that upto now.  the only thing i did find out was, that
the error appeared with messages containing characters from the charmap
{127..255}.  happens in germany ("umlauts").  mutt must have tried to set
"-B" automatically to get 8-bit chars through.  man, you wouldn't believe
how often i tried and experimented until i found out.  this hasn't happened
any more.  had i not overlooked that darned -B8BITMIME flag...

clemens                            ([EMAIL PROTECTED], pgp key available)

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