Philip, Tim (CNBC Asia) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for all the interest in my original posting to
> this list. My question was:-

> "Is it possible to stop qmail from generating multiple
>  bounce messages when mail with a forged sender address
>  is received for multiple bad (non-local) mailboxes?"

> I guess the simple answer is, NO. (Is this correct?)

Not quite.  The answer is that qmail doesn't do this under normal
circumstances.  It only does this if you're accepting mail that you're not
sure is valid and then forwarding it to another system for delivery; if
that happens, the single message with multiple recipients ends up being
split apart into multiple messages.

I bet you could find ways of doing exactly the same thing to sendmail.  I
really don't think this is a problem peculiar to qmail.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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