On Mon, Jul 24, 2000 at 01:01:18AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> > Our company hosts the relaytester because some of our techies believe
> > the ORBS-project is worth supporting. All opinions I post are mine,
> > possibly but not necessarily shared by zero or more of my co-workers.
> For what it's worth, while I strongly disagree with the position (see my
> other messages), I *can* understand why people may feel that the existing
> blacklists are insufficient and something like ORBS is needed.  And I've
> yet to hear anything from anyone @vuurwerk.nl to make me feel about them
> the way that I feel about orbs.org; they don't seem to get involved in
> things like the recent business with AboveNet.

Thank you :)

> So in answer to the original question, I'd expect at least some folks at
> vuurwerk.nl to have a bias, but I've yet to see anything from them that
> didn't seem reasonable to some degree.

Ofcourse we are biased. Everybody is. I like ORBS because it gives people a
choice. I hate how most negative discussions about ORBS are based on
misconceptions. I admit that there are flaws in how ORBS handles stuff
technically, but admins can work around any of these.

The real problem with ORBS, IMHO, is that it takes education to allow
admins to *really* take the choice they want.

Note that my opinion about ORBS hasn't changed one bit since we started
hosting the relay-tester - we started hosting it because some of us like
the project and wanted it to continue regardless of AboveNet hindering it.

That AboveNet then started pestering us is another issue which is not to be
discussed here. Yes, we have been nullrouted at times, causing 15.000
websites and 50.000 domains for email to be unreachable for AboveNet

Greetz, Peter.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Peter van Dijk [student:developer:ircoper]

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