HI one and all...

I am currently delivering mail to our remote servers via NFS, and we are
having problems with NFS delivery. Now, while NFS v3 may fix this (when it
finally arrives), at the moment I can't use NFS delivery for our mail. So, I
need to reroute all mail that would normally be delivered 'locally' to a
Maildir (which is some of our users, not all), to be delivered via SMTP to
our other servers. I figured a .qmail in the user's home dir which used |
forward "$LOCAL"@kermit.hillsong.com (kermit being the remote server, and
.qmail physically residing remotely even though it appears local due to the
wonders of NFS!) would do it, then I remembered that this .qmail file
resides remotely, and so when the mail arrives at the remote server, it will
be passed through | forward again, and again...looping.

So, what is the best advice I can get here? I need users to be able to go
outside our network and use POP to retrieve mail (they talk to our main
server, which picks up their mail from the appropriate NFS share), which
they can do at the moment, so killing the NFS share and replacing it with a
skeleton home dir structure isn't an option...

I don't REALLY want to have one set of home dirs containing just .qmail
files, and another set for POP3 access if I can help it...this is just
doubling up, being very inefficient and annoying to fix.

ANY ideas (absolutely any, no matter how crap they seem!) will be greatly



InterPlanetary Solutions

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