On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 09:00:34AM +1100, Brett Randall wrote:
>                        /~~~~~~~\
>                        | I'NET |
>                        \~~~~~~~/
>                            |  SMTP/POP
>                        /-------\
>                        |MailSvr|
>                        \-------/
>                           /\
>                 SMTP/POP /  \ SMTP/POP
>                         /    \
>                        /      \
>            /-----------\      /-------------\
>            |CityMailSvr|      |LondonMailSvr|
>            | /nfs/city |      | /nfs/london |
>            \-----------/      \-------------/
> OK As you can see, /nfs/city on the City Mail server is mounted as
> /nfs/city on the Main mail server, and ditto with /nfs/london. This
> means that whatever the main server can see is in the home dir for
> each user, is the home dir on both servers. Any .qmail file there is
> is used from whichever server. This means that your suggestion would
> create a loop, since at each of our subsidiary servers (city, london),
> mail to @hillsong.com is attempted to be delivered locally, and if it

Ding! You don't forward to @hillsong.com, you forward to @city.hillsong.com.
Anything to hillsong.com is obviously destined for MailSvr; anything to
city.hillsong.com is local. 

(BTW, I've been assuming that "city" is a construct meaning "whatever
cities have local servers", and is not a literal. Right?)


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