-dsr- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ding! You don't forward to @hillsong.com, you forward to @city.hillsong.com.
> Anything to hillsong.com is obviously destined for MailSvr; anything to
> city.hillsong.com is local. 
> (BTW, I've been assuming that "city" is a construct meaning "whatever
> cities have local servers", and is not a literal. Right?)
> -dsr-

OK, but if I forward to @city.hillsong.com (city.hillsong.com being
the actual machine name, set up to receive mail for @hillsong.com and
@city.hillsong.com), then it will still hit the user's .qmail file
there which tries to re-send it to @city.hillsong.com and so
forth. Remember that the .qmail file on the city server and the main
server is one and the same - we are talking about NFS shares here.

I've put some more thought into this. If I have my users/assign file
on my main server, and I make the home folder for each city user in
there something like /nfs/forwarding/city (ie all users have the same
home dir as far as qmail-local is concerned) then put a .qmail file in
there which says:
| forward "$LOCAL"@city.hillsong.com
then I won't have to change the city users .qmail files in their home
dirs, will I? So all mail for city users will be pushed to the city
server. Then as far as outside POP3 is concerned, it reads the passwd
file for the home dir and so it still goes to /nfs/city/user to
collect the mail.

Does this sound like it will work? Have I missed anything?

InterPlanetary Solutions

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