On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 06:04:01PM +1000, Brett Randall wrote:
> HI one and all...
> I am currently delivering mail to our remote servers via NFS, and we are
> having problems with NFS delivery. Now, while NFS v3 may fix this (when it
> finally arrives), at the moment I can't use NFS delivery for our mail. So, I
> need to reroute all mail that would normally be delivered 'locally' to a
> Maildir (which is some of our users, not all), to be delivered via SMTP to
> our other servers. I figured a .qmail in the user's home dir which used |
> forward "$LOCAL"@kermit.hillsong.com (kermit being the remote server, and
> .qmail physically residing remotely even though it appears local due to the
> wonders of NFS!) would do it, then I remembered that this .qmail file
> resides remotely, and so when the mail arrives at the remote server, it will
> be passed through | forward again, and again...looping.
> So, what is the best advice I can get here? I need users to be able to go
> outside our network and use POP to retrieve mail (they talk to our main
> server, which picks up their mail from the appropriate NFS share), which
> they can do at the moment, so killing the NFS share and replacing it with a
> skeleton home dir structure isn't an option...

So, from another message I hear that you deliver mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to /home/city/jrandom/something, right?

OK. Every user gets the same .qmail:


Then you write cityforward, which does the following:

1. checks the current directory
2. looks up the correct mailserver for the /city/ portion of the pwd.
3. forwards the mail to that server

How's that?


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