On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 07:41:09AM +1100, Kevin Waterson wrote:
> >Typically, ORBS requires the delivery of a
> > piece of email via the alleged open relay before adding
> > that host ot its list.  A properly configured qmail server
> > will not act as an open relay even as it fails the abuse.net
> > test.
> So what is point of having a test that does not give correct
> results? It would seem any qmail server will fail the test as
> qmail will accept the miscreant mail and deal with it internally.
> This behaviour, according to ORBS, will have you listed as an
> open relay.

Are you a moron, or can you just not read?  Do I have to quote from the ORBS
web site?

"ORBS only counts a host as open if it actually delivers the test messages.
Bounces are ignored for databasing purposes. Most of the online testers which 
perform multiple tests stop as soon as one envelope is accepted, so may give 
misleading results if they don't actually check for delivery and continue the 
test sequence if the message isn't delivered."



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