In the immortal words of Kevin Waterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > 
> > ORBS doesn't use the tests to determine who is
> > an open relay.  
> To quote from the ORBS site
> Try Abuse.Net's new relay tester (requires registration). This is the
> only web-based tester which carries out the same set of tests which ORBS
> does. 

The text on the website is, unfortunatly, misleading.  Alan
Brown, the person who is ORBS, has given more cogent explanations of
how the tester works on various mailing lists and newsgroups.

ORBS uses the tester...with one VERY important difference:
they actually check to see if the relayed message is received at the
final destination address.  The fact that qmail "accepts" the message
will NOT result in being listed by ORBS: the message would actually
have to be incorrectly relayed for that to happen.

Hopefully, it should be self-evident why the tester does not
do this.  (Hint: it would make a great mailbombing service.)

There are many legitimate complaints that people have had about ORBS'
behavior (such as "spite listings" and the fact that its tests
generate spam to postmasters of correctly configured machines), but
even ORBS' most vocal detractors (and I have been one of those) do not
believe that a correctly configured qmail server will, on its own,
generate an ORBS listing.


----------------------------------------------------------<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
And when love is gone, there's always justice.  And when justice is gone
there's always force.  And when force is gone, threre's always mom.  Hi mom!
                                                         (--Laurie Anderson)

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