On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 06:22:27PM -0500, Bennett Todd wrote:
> 2000-11-14-16:24:36 Adam McKenna:
> > Bruce Scheiner is a god, [...]
> It's possible you're being sarcastic, but there are those who would
> very nearly agree with you. While he may not actually be a god, he
> is certainly the single most important contributor to getting really
> top notch crypto out of research and into engineering; he's been
> teaching a lot of us the basic principles of sound design with
> crypto for a decade or more.

For what its worth, I was only originally expression an opinion on the few
paragraphs that Mate posted, from some book that I had never heard of, by a
"B. Schneier" [sic]  I didn't know who he was talking about at first, and I
was reacting to getting attacked from all sides.  Perhaps in the future when
people post quotes from print, they should include a little bit more context, 
and perhaps an ISBN number to eliminate confusion.

By the way, why are the cr.yp.to lists so slow lately?  Have we finally
reached the limit of processing power on the list server?


Adam McKenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "No matter how much it changes, 
http://flounder.net/publickey.html   |  technology's just a bunch of wires 
GPG: 17A4 11F7 5E7E C2E7 08AA        |  connected to a bunch of other wires."
     38B0 05D0 8BF7 2C6D 110A        |  Joe Rogan, _NewsRadio_
  6:32pm  up 157 days, 16:48, 10 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

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