Could someone direct me to the instructions to un-subscribe from this list?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 9:02 AM
To: Ken Jones
Subject: Re: Qmail and Large Scale Dynamic Mailings

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 12:39:26AM -0600, Ken Jones wrote:
> Wayne Chu wrote:
> > 
> > No, I am NOT spamming.
> > 
> > Our company runs serveral daily e-newsletter, with totally about a
> > half million of subscribers. We are planning to make an "open"
> > newsletter plateform, let our web site members create their own
> > personal newsletter ( authenticated and supervised by our staff to
> > prevent spam mail ). we estimated the total number of subscribers and
> > the number of newsletter will grow even more. Surely our member
> > would want their newsletters to be sent ASAP. So we have to
> > increase concurrency.
> Ah.. So you are not a spammer, except you assume all your 
> "customers" want your email. Besides that moral issue,
> do you have measured information about the delivery 
> statistics of qmail version other options?

If these are **personalized** emails, then how they get queued will
depend on how they are built.  One person wants a,g,f,t,z and 
another wants a,t,q,p,z.  If they want them ASAP, then it's not
obvious concurrency is an issue at all; perhaps newsletters with
p go out whenever p changes and triggers them.  Maybe changes in
some of the topics do not trigger new email, but wait on a clock,
etc....  In either case, they may still be different per subscriber 
because of the other selections (else they are not personalized).

Even with half a million subscribers, depending on the number of
options and the subscriber base you might still be sending only
a very few messages to each site.  And if they are truly personalized,
it's not at all clear to me how one would build them so they could
go in the queue more than one by one.

SELECT email_address, topics FROM subscribers WHERE email ='$1' ORDER 
BY topics,email_address;
for (@email_address) {
  build message(@topics);
  qmail-inject message  # we do these ourselves one-by-one; personalized
Qmail will not be the hard part :-)

If, OTOH, they are a personal selection of independant, non-personalized
messages, batching will make sense - but that's not "personalized".

As usual, a clear statement of the situation will help.



Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MaineStreet Communications, Inc         208 Portland Road, Gray, ME  04039
Content management, electronic commerce, internet integration, Debian linux

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