Hello All,
I'm having wierd issues with my large mailing lists. I have one with 9k and
one with 22k of subscribers. I've applied big-concurrency, but not the
sysctl.conf changes mentioned here. I had this machine serving just fine
with OpenBSD but after adding listserv I had 
to change OS's. I have noticed that although we haven't added any subsribers
to the first
list and just a few to the second it has slowly over the last week gotten
slower and 
slower at delivering. I am running RedHat Linux 7.0 with Q-mail and
Listserv. I am using
a concurrency both local and remote of 255. I increased __FD_SETSIZE to 4096
and conf-spawn to 255. Unlike in BSD I couldn't get the concurrency raised
past 255. Any suggestions? Is my que perhaps not flushing over time or
perhaps file system fragmentation? (stupid thing to say I suppose with
I'd appreciate any suggestions,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Reifschneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 8:21 PM
To: Thomas Duterme
Subject: Re: Qmail and Large Scale Dynamic Mailings

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 11:45:49AM -0500, Thomas Duterme wrote:
>2) Qmail is set to open 20 SMTP connections at a time

Ding ding ding ding!  We have a winner!  Try at least doubling that.
Unfortunately, you can't say "20 per destination" or "20 per domain",
but setting it to "20 total" is really going to kill performance.
Going from 240 to 20 may have been a bit of an over-reaction.  Can you
try 120?  That'll help a LOT.

If you have to leave it at 20, you may want to turn your SMTP timeout
down to like 5 seconds at the beginning of a mailing, so all the slow
to respond mail servers are bypassed, then increase it to like 30 after
an hour or two, then to 200 after another hour or two and do a
"killall -ALRM qmail-send".  Wacky, but it might get the job done...

 Why are Bush supporters acting like they won, when Gore has 350,000 more
 popular votes?
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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