First time on this list and a qmail newbie.  Please excuse my ignorance.

I have a Linux 6.2 box with qmail, bind8 and apache on it.  It was installed
by a Linux consultant.  It is currently in pre-production stage with very
low traffic; 30 send/receive per hour at most.  My beta-testers on lan
complain of two problems.

1.      From the time <Send> is clicked in Netscape 4.75 on NT, and the
completion takes 15-20 seconds.  Size of email makes no difference.  Most of
the time, Netscape simply says "Connecting to server".  Then, in a flash,
it's sent.

2.      Some of the Netscape users complain that they frequently get error
message indicating that there may be network problem or server may have
closed the connection.

Can someone tell me where to begin to look to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance,

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