Dave Sill wrote:
> "JK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have a Linux 6.2 box with qmail, bind8 and apache on it.  It was installed
> >by a Linux consultant
> Ugh. BIND might not be your problem at the moment, but it will be
> sooner or later. How could your consultant have been clueful enough to
> install qmail but not djbdns?

A little unfair Dave.

Installing BIND over djbdns may not be an issue of which is "best". 
Maintaince is also an issue.  If the person whom will be looking after
the setup "knows" bjdbns then I would install that - otherwise if they
knew BIND then I would use that.

Obviously the above is an opinion, and some may disagree, but I am only
trying to point out that the decision may not be so cut as dry, and
hence the consultant my not be so clueless :-)

Oh, agreed that BIND can be a nightmare !


> -Dave

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