Henning Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sorry Dave, but having such a beast like the sysv-init-script for qmail on
>OpenBSD is definetly not the correct approach. Thats against any BSD
>concept, especially the OpenBSD concept.

Nonsense. The "qmail" script from LWQ is compatible with the System V
init script mechanism, but it's also perfectly compatible with BSD and
generally useful on all UNIX flavors as a qmail control
interface. Maybe I should rename it qmailctl a la apachectl or
ctlqmail a la ctlinnd...

>For my taste lwq is a bit too linux-specific. Don't tell people to use
>sysv-sytle init scripts on non-sysv-init-systems. Thats confusing.

Granted, I should add a note about adding:

  if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/qmail ]; then
    /usr/local/sbin/qmail start

to rc.local for BSD variants, but I have no Linux bias. I've been
managing both BSD and Sys V machines for more than 12 years.


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