* Sumith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010327 04:16]:

Side note: would you *PLEASE* turn off HTML in your mail and fix your
line width - you're wasting other people's resources and make your
messages unnecessarily hard to read. http://learn.to/edit_messages

> Qmail FAQ states that tcpserver allows only 40 simultaneous
> qmail-smtpd connections and to increase it to 400, I need to run
> tcpserver -c 400
> Would this number sustain after a reboot...

That depends on how you start tcpserver.

> How to do this for qmail-pop3d as well

The same way? I mean, what do you expect us to do? Grab a crystal ball
and try to find out how you invoke your stuff? Why don't you *read* the
available documentation? Like:

Step 1: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=%22tcpserver+-c%22+qmail-send
Step 2: http://qmail.3va.net/qmailfaq.html#smtpd
Step 3: verify that this is correct: http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcpserver.html

Keep in mind that a) this is not a support forum and b) helping you each
time you have a problem will 1) get on a *lot* of people's nerves and 2)
make you prone to not reading the documentation. Neither alternative is
Robin S. Socha http://mail.socha.net/

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