Unless the network is lying to me again, Chris Garrigues said: 

> The particular assumption that Charles didn't explain is that
> user%host2&host1 or host2|user@host1 will be relayed by host1
> to user@host2.
> Certainly software that does this is broken, 

If anyone cares, this used to be completely legal and actually, a very 
useful way of doing things.  There were a number of UUCP sites that were
much quicker to address via:


than giving the full ! path to the actual uucp site.  This was not "broken",
it was "operational".  I guess those days are gone, however.

Just for fun, does anyone remember the issues surrounding:

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Other fun thing that nolonger works:  finger user@somehost@otherhost 

    Alan Clegg                          I do UNIX and Networks
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    I don't have any certification
                                          I have experience

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