> > Is it possible that some external devices s.a.
> > switch/router/firewall/anything could be causing this problem?
> Yes, very possble.  Some firewalls do "transparent" SMTP or POP proxying, and
> there have been many bugs in such implementations.

No. Regardless of what the other end does, a conforming OS should not
wedge qmail-remote forever. Why do people keep suggesting this?

You have three choices:

        1. Show the bug in the code containing the select() and read()

        2. Show an interpretation error regarding the semantics of
           read() and select()

If you can do either of those, we can conclude that qmail-remote is
coded incorrectly and needs fixing.

If you can do neither of these, then this leaves you with the
inescapable conclusion that qmail-remote *is* playing by the rules, in
which case you are left with the only alternative:

        3. the other side of the C code is not playing by the rules:
           ie a bug in the compiler, libraries or OS.

I will note that no one has done 1 or 2 yet, so that leaves 3.


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