> I have a shell account on a system (not root). I would like to setup 
> as an SMTP server on port 2525. It would only be used for outgoing mail,
> not incoming mail.

In general, it is a strange idea to set up a mail gateway without 
notifying the root (even if it is for outgoing mails only). Your netadmin 
will set it up for you if it is really important. If he/she refuses, get 
an SMPT server address from outside and send your mail through that.

> Does anyone know how I might go about implementing this? Can qmail be run
> in a daemon mode to listen to port 2525, instead of being started by
> /etc/inetd.conf?

Starting qmail by inetd (and using inetd at all) is 'a bit' outdated.
I have three letters for you: LWQ.
Good luck.


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