On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 08:42:52AM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Tanuj Shah wrote:
> > I would have thought, just install qmail somewhere in your home and use
> > tcpserver for the listening on port 2525.
> Thanks; you solved part of the puzzle for me. On a test system where I
> have root access, I was able to run qmail as a send-only SMTP server on
> port 2525 using tcpserver.

What is a "send-only SMTP server"? qmail-smtpd receives mail from the Internet
and queues it; it doesn't send mail anywhere.

> I can't get it to run on the system where I need it (and don't have root),
> though. qMail is hardwired to install into /var/qmail, and there seems to
> be no clean way of changing that.

Edit conf-qmail.

> I managed to hack the Makefile so that when I did "make setup check", it went
> into $HOME/var/qmail instead, but I think I did something wrong, because when
> I execute this command:
>       csh -cf '$HOME/var/qmail/rc &'
> it does not start up the qmail-send, qmail-lspawn etc. processes. If I had
> root and qmail refused to start, I could read /var/log/messages, but as a
> normal user I can't read that file to see what the problem is.

You'll never be able to install and run qmail without root access because it
requires installing qmail-queue setuid, and it requires running various other
programs as users other than yourself. As a regular, non-root user, you can't
create a setuid program and you can't run programs as other users.  

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?


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