On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Chris Johnson wrote:

> What is a "send-only SMTP server"? qmail-smtpd receives mail from the
> Internet and queues it; it doesn't send mail anywhere.

By "send-only", I mean that this SMTP server is not intended for receiving
e-mail to be delivered to local users. It will only be used by Listar (a
mailing list manager) to send out e-mail. I do have sendmail installed on
the system, but sendmail doesn't handle massive mailing lists (this one
has 3000 users) that efficiently.

> Edit conf-qmail.

Ahh, so that's the correct way to change the installation directory...

> You'll never be able to install and run qmail without root access
> because it requires installing qmail-queue setuid, and it requires
> running various other programs as users other than yourself. As a
> regular, non-root user, you can't create a setuid program and you
> can't run programs as other users.

Hmm... would it be feasible for me to comment out all the code in the
program that changes its user id? For what I want to do, I don't need any
special privileges; the only thing I need qmail to do is to relay mail to
remote SMTP servers.

> What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

I am trying to setup qmail to send out messages for Listar. When Listar
sends it a message, its job is to relay that message to the remote SMTP
servers of the recipients. That's all.


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