> I'm attempting to set up qmail on Mandrake 8.0. I do create 
> the /var/qmail directory, but when qmail compiles nothing goes 
> into this directory. Of course then when you run ./config it 
> barfs because it can't find certain things in /var/qmail. Yes, 
> I'm logged on as root. 

config does not fail because of anything in /var/qmail;  it fails if it
can't find your server's name in DNS.  Use config-fast instead.

> Also, when running the IDS script, I can't see that any 
> directories were created in the /var directory either. 

1. IDS is not a script that's included with qmail.
2. if you did create a IDS script off of INSTALL.ids (a la LWQ), it
doesn't create any directories anywhere.  It adds user accounts and groups
to your system.

> I've reloaded Mandrake 3 times from scratch and it's still doing 
> the same thing. Also tried gcc instead of cc and it makes no 
> difference. 

none of these things have anything to do with installing qmail.

> What am I doing wrong? 

you need to read and understand the various INSTALL. files included with
your qmail distribution.

> BTW, the /var directory resides on a separate physical drive in 
> the machine - a Linux RAID 1 (mirror), to be precise, so there 
> are two drives in fact. The /var directory shows up nicely and 
> is perfectly accessible. I can't imagine this would be creating 
> the problem. 

It's not.  You need to better understand the qmail install process. start
by reading the documentation included with qmail, then visit


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